On The Edge of Eternity
Air and light, both fundamental to life, are used here as metaphorical tools, exploring ideas of realities past, present and future.
Through the interplay of objects, projections, and shadows, our own existence is played out. Suspended between states of hope and fear, transience and permanence, this installation explores distinctions between the real and the virtual. By meditative quiet communion with my work, I hope the viewer becomes a participant, following the rhythm of the movements like bellows, always emptying yet inexhaustible, to be transported to another place. There are no fixed notions; ideas are simply laid out for contemplation. |
Momento MoriWe lead limited lives. Lost in the vast reaches of space and time. Lost by very reason of our smallness and circumscription. Trapped in time we journey at a rate we have no control over. We cannot return to the past, except in memory and imagination. Nor can we hurry ahead to see the future and make provision for it. Controlled by powers we do not understand we are driven by another and imprisoned in time.
The world’s great books limit our ideas of truth with a contradictory jumble of finite perspectives. Here we are invited to finite tutorials with the fountain of ultimate wisdom, to communion with the source of all love. To commune with this source, is to touch both infinity and eternity, not metaphorically but in very deed. To open a window to both boundlessness and immediacy in which time and space are powerless to provide and that we can experience in no other way. To that degree we have broken away from the bounds of time and space to discover infinity close at hand. |
The link between man and the world is broken. Henceforth, this link must become an object of belief: it is the impossible, which can only be restored within a faith
French Philosopher, Deleuze, Gilles, 1989, Cinema II. The Time-image, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 172
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